This song was written by Ricky Atkinson, and was recorded by the Ruppes (now travelling as Sisters)… and was included on their album, Seasons.

Ricky Atkinson was saved at the age of 7 at Faith Baptist Church, where his dad was pastor, in Bishopville, SC. Ricky started singing with family as a young man and continued through the teen years. In 1987, he began his career in music by playing piano for a Lance Carpenter trio called The Campmeeting Trio, as they traveled and played in many camp meetings across the south. In 1988, he started singing lead with his first group, The Camp Meeting Boys. In 1991, he formed a male trio called Kindred Spirit. Ricky sang solo for two years from 1994 to 1996. In 1996, he joined the Wilburns from Carthage, TN. In 1999, Ricky returned to south Georgia to form Ricky Atkinson and Compassion.
Ricky is most noted for being one of Gospel music’s top songwriters. Along with being a songwriter, he is also producer, arranger, publisher and president of 2 recording labels for Resting Place Music. Ricky sings lead and is the group manager.

The Ruppes (now travelling under the name Sisters) are a female Southern Gospel trio of sisters: Kim Ruppe Sheffield, Heather Ruppe Bennett, and Valerie Ruppe Medkiff. They got their start in Southern Gospel music by traveling with their mother, Brenda Ruppe.
Their harmony while singing is the tightest I’ve heard! They are so pleasing to listen to… and their lyrics usually tell a beautiful story, too.

I dodn’t remember where or when I first heard The Ruppes, but I’m glad I did!

This song reminds us that God is the God of peace… and He speaks peace to our hearts when we need it most. We need only to listen for His voice…
Bible Reference… Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 4:8; 46:10; Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:36-41; John 14:27; 16:33; Philippians 4:6,7,9; 2Thessalonians 3:16

Oftentimes I’ve wondered, even in my darkest hours,
would His faithful ears still harken to my needs and my desires.
Then I hear His voice so tender, speaking softly in my ear;
I kneel down and pray in my secret place and I know He will hear. He is always near…

        When He speaks peace the raging storm must die… hope becomes new life;
        when He whispers, everything will be alright.
        When He speaks peace the dark night slips away… like the breaking of the day;
        When Jesus speaks peace.

When my friends have failed me, and I’m standing all alone;
when my spirit is discouraged, and I feel all hope is gone,
there’s no need to be disheartened, for I have a Friend who cares.
When my faith becomes weak, I can kneel at His feet… and my burdens He bears.
He is always there. (CHORUS)

        I feel the dark clouds gather ‘round me, and I don’t seem to understand.
        And I feel His presence come and hold me, and I know He’s holding to my hand.

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