This song was written by Mark Bishop, and was recorded by The Bishops… included as the title song of their album of the same name.

The Bishops – Kenneth Sr. and 2 sons, Mark and Kenny – sang together from 1984 to 2001 as a part of the Southern Gospel trio. The group earned several industry and fan awards including the Gospel Music Association’s Dove Award. They had several #1 and top 10 songs on the genre’s music charts. The group traveled mostly within the United States and made several appearances on both Christian and mainstream television. They recorded more than two dozen audio and video recordings. Many of their songs were written by Mark, who often wrote story-songs or ballads intended to make a spiritual or inspirational point. The Bishops were also noted for their a capella recordings and performances known as “front porch singing.”

This song encourages us to put our faith in our capable God, citing several Biblical examples where He proved Himself able.
Bible Reference… Exodus 15:6; Romans 4:21; 16:25; 2Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians 3:20; 2Timothy 1:12

When David gathered a handful of stones,
and, where the soldiers had fallen, he waited alone.
With a prayer and a little rock, the giant fell right on the spot.
That’s what David prayed for; that’s what David got.
You can’t ask too much of my God. You can’t ask too much of my God.

There was a woman drawing water from a well.
So many regrets; so often she’d failed.
Jesus knew where she had been; still He forgave her of her sin.
In her life began to flow, living water for the soul.
You can’t ask too much of my God. You can’t ask too much of my God.

        When you’re broken, and you cannot find
        the peace of mind that seems to leave you behind.
        Have you spoken to the God of Abraham, the Great I Am?
        He’s greater than any problem you’ve got.
        And you can’t ask too much of my God.
        No, you can’t ask too much of my God.

Upon the three Hebrew children, God smiled.
And, when Sarah was ninety, God gave her a child.
Now I believe that just as then, He’s here to move like that again.
He has a miracle to do; He only needs to hear from you.
And you can’t ask too much of my God. No, you can’t ask too much of my God.

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